Different types of game
The Werewolf game can be played in many ways. That's why you can play Wolfy by joining different types of games.Few readersInactivity in game
A player is considered to be inactive when he/she barely interacts in the game or has left it, while still alive.Few readersPunishable behavior
In an online game, certain rules are necessary to keep the overall atmosphere positive.Few readersNinja votes
A ninja vote is a vote cast during the final seconds of a round.Few readersUsernames and Anonymous mode
Username When you register on Wolfy, you will have to specify your username: this will become your new identity on the game. This one can be changed every 30 days, so be careful with the one you choose! However, being visible to all, there are certain rules you must respect:Few readersSerious Games
In a Serious game, certain exclusive rules are necessary to keep the overall atmosphere positive.Few readers